Automated Periotome versus Conventional Periotome in Intra-Alveolar Extraction of Sheep Jaw: An In Vitro Study Automated Periotome versus Conventional Periotome in Intra-Alveolar Extraction of Sheep Jaw: An In Vitro Orthodontist August 15, 2023September 25, 2023 admin
Young patient with severe crowding Treatment: Metal Braces Duration: 1.5 Patient Cases August 10, 2023August 11, 2023 admin
M.A. Young patient with severe crowding. M.A. Young patient with severe crowding. Fixed Metal Braces Used. Duration: 1.5 Patient Cases August 10, 2023August 11, 2023 admin
Young patient with severe crowding. M.A. Young patient with severe crowding. Fixed Metal Braces Used. Duration: 1.5 Patient Cases August 10, 2023August 11, 2023 admin
Young patient with severe crowding. M.A. Young patient with severe crowding. Fixed Metal Braces Used. Duration: 1.5 Patient Cases August 10, 2023August 11, 2023 admin
Young patient with severe crowding. Young patient with severe crowding. Fixed Metal Braces Used. Duration: 1.5 Patient Cases August 10, 2023August 11, 2023 admin
M.A. Young patient with severe crowding. M.A. Young patient with severe crowding. Fixed Metal Braces Used. Duration: 1.5 Patient Cases August 10, 2023August 11, 2023 admin
Variations of the Mesiodistal width of permanent teeth in a sample of patients attending Ajman University Dental College Variations of the Mesiodistal width of permanent teeth in a sample of patients attending Ajman University Dental Orthodontist August 9, 2023September 25, 2023 admin
Impact of Access Cavity Design on Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Molars: A Systematic Review Impact of Access Cavity Design on Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Molars: A Systematic Orthodontist August 9, 2023September 25, 2023 admin